Stitchlinks isn't simply about those who already have a long-term medical condition, we're about helping everyone to improve their wellbeing. For those who are fit and healthy, learning and practising the skills to live well now can enhance the current moment as well as can reap benefits in the future. For those living with a health condition, learning to manage symptoms and improve your general health and wellbeing can greatly enhance the quality of your life. 

Our chosen tools are knitting and crochet. We combine the benefits of these crafts with up-to-date health information to enable people to live fuller lives. Our research into these crafts has taught us valuable lessons in terms of the importance of rhythmic movement, creativity, colour, texture and positive social engagement which is enabling us to identify other activites which may also be of benefit (see Stitchlinks Plus).

See Betsan's Blog to read about 'Whole-person' health and wellbeing.

Please remember that the articles below have been written to give you information from which you can make your own choices. We would advise that you check with your doctor first.

Click on a document to download:

25 ways knitting and stitching can help with pain

25 ways knitting and stitching can help with depression

25 ways knitting and stitching can help with stress

25 ways knitting and stitching can help conquer addiction

25 ways knitting and stitching can help with dementia


Knit for Health and Wellness; How to knit a flexible mind and more… by Betsan Corkhill  

Visible Mending – a heart warming, BAFTA short listed, short animation about knitting in which Betsan Corkhill voices the 'wavy line' character 

Pain News (British Pain Society Journal) – Knitting and Pain. See page 44/45

Pain News – Therapeutic Knitting to Facilitate Change study day report (page 171). Read Betsan Corkhill's response in reply to a Letter to the Editor (page 184)

Victoria's Story - Creativity and Pain Relief – how I recovered from CRPS and a drop foot 

Laughter Therapy – this YouTube video makes us laugh every time :)

Laughter Therapy to set you up for the day – YouTube video guaranteed to have you laughing   

Saving Starfish - integrating care and compassion into a system based on business ethics – changing health systems by Betsan Corkhill. Published in Pain News September 2013

Pain Medicine versus Pain Management – an important paper by Professor John Loeser and Professor Alex Cahana, calling for a change in healthcare systems

What if Pain was a Verb – Alex Cahana at TEDxBellevue

Lorimer Moseley talks about pain. Brief YouTube video well worth listening to. 

Guide to recognising a stroke – please read as this could save a life

Happy Boxes 

A Bit About Colour 

Crochet to the Rescue