Knitting and knitting groups are useful tools for managing stress and improving communication in the workplace
The portability of knitting and stitching means they are ideal tools for managing problems when you're out and about or at work. You can use them to manage stress during your lunch break and on your commute to and from your place of work. The portability of knitting will also enable you to manage anxiety, panic and pain spasms as soon as first signs appear.
Stress is a major cause of ill health so it's important to set aside some time to lower your stress levels every day. Knitting or stitching during your lunch break or on your commute (providing you're not driving!) is an ideal time to do this. Taking a relaxing break at lunch time can do the power of good.
Knitting is also great for problem solving. The relaxed, meditative state of mind you enter enables you to look at problems from various angles and you might just discover the previously elusive solution to that difficult problem you've been pondering over all day. If problems and stress are keeping you awake at night and you find you simply can't turn off those thoughts going around in your head, then knitting for 20 minutes or so before sleep can work well to improve your sleep.
We have shown in our work that knitting provides an ideal tool for developing and nurturing creative ability. It provides a 'safe' framework within which those with low confidence can succeed which then encourages further exploration and experimentation. In this way, knitting acts as a springboard to other activities. It is our belief that the improved creative ability and thought processes are transferrable to other areas of life and can enhance your working brain.
Groups set up in the workplace can be invaluable for making new friends at work, but also for enabling you to meet and chat to those from other departments and levels within your company. This helps to improve interdepartmental and cross departmental communication channels and may help to encourage discussion and air problems before they become big issues.
For similar reasons the knitting group is an excellent team building tool. Those who are already able to knit can teach others which improves communication. If you have a team member who is finding it difficult to fit in, or who is perhaps shy, then they quickly become part of, and comfortable within the knitting group. Knitting and stitching teach key life skills, such as patience, perseverance and communication.
If you use knitting or stitching in your workplace, please let us know.
The portability of knitting and stitching means they are ideal tools for managing problems when you're out and about or at work. You can use them to manage stress during your lunch break and on your commute to and from your place of work. The portability of knitting will also enable you to manage anxiety, panic and pain spasms as soon as first signs appear.
Stress is a major cause of ill health so it's important to set aside some time to lower your stress levels every day. Knitting or stitching during your lunch break or on your commute (providing you're not driving!) is an ideal time to do this. Taking a relaxing break at lunch time can do the power of good.
Knitting is also great for problem solving. The relaxed, meditative state of mind you enter enables you to look at problems from various angles and you might just discover the previously elusive solution to that difficult problem you've been pondering over all day. If problems and stress are keeping you awake at night and you find you simply can't turn off those thoughts going around in your head, then knitting for 20 minutes or so before sleep can work well to improve your sleep.
We have shown in our work that knitting provides an ideal tool for developing and nurturing creative ability. It provides a 'safe' framework within which those with low confidence can succeed which then encourages further exploration and experimentation. In this way, knitting acts as a springboard to other activities. It is our belief that the improved creative ability and thought processes are transferrable to other areas of life and can enhance your working brain.
Groups set up in the workplace can be invaluable for making new friends at work, but also for enabling you to meet and chat to those from other departments and levels within your company. This helps to improve interdepartmental and cross departmental communication channels and may help to encourage discussion and air problems before they become big issues.
For similar reasons the knitting group is an excellent team building tool. Those who are already able to knit can teach others which improves communication. If you have a team member who is finding it difficult to fit in, or who is perhaps shy, then they quickly become part of, and comfortable within the knitting group. Knitting and stitching teach key life skills, such as patience, perseverance and communication.
If you use knitting or stitching in your workplace, please let us know.