Your group may decide they'd like to fundraise to buy new yarn or to go for a day out together or perhaps to make a donation towards a charitable cause.
In our experience, smaller knitted items sell best when raising funds. You can knit a lot of them, and they can be sold reasonaby cheaply. You are unlikely to sell for the true value of an item if you take into consideration the time spent knitting it but nevertheless it's possible to make a few hundred pounds at a sale, particularly if you combine your stand with a tombola to attract customers. You'll also have a lot of fun in the process. You'll be able to charge more for items if you hold a stall at a dedicated craft fair where visitors expect to pay a little more for high quality craft items. Otherwise, if you have larger, more expensive items, it might be better to consider raffling them.
When planning your stall, consider the type of event you're attending, the potential customer and the time of year. Christmas fairs or Victorian Christmas markets are good for raising funds as you can knit lots of stocking fillers, Christmas decorations, soft toys, socks, hats, gloves and scarves to get you started. It's a time of year when people are specifically looking to buy gifts. If you have any card makers in your group you can add some handmade Christmas cards to your knitted goodies.
In our experience, smaller knitted items sell best when raising funds. You can knit a lot of them, and they can be sold reasonaby cheaply. You are unlikely to sell for the true value of an item if you take into consideration the time spent knitting it but nevertheless it's possible to make a few hundred pounds at a sale, particularly if you combine your stand with a tombola to attract customers. You'll also have a lot of fun in the process. You'll be able to charge more for items if you hold a stall at a dedicated craft fair where visitors expect to pay a little more for high quality craft items. Otherwise, if you have larger, more expensive items, it might be better to consider raffling them.
When planning your stall, consider the type of event you're attending, the potential customer and the time of year. Christmas fairs or Victorian Christmas markets are good for raising funds as you can knit lots of stocking fillers, Christmas decorations, soft toys, socks, hats, gloves and scarves to get you started. It's a time of year when people are specifically looking to buy gifts. If you have any card makers in your group you can add some handmade Christmas cards to your knitted goodies.
Try to make your stall stand out from the crowd, by ensuring it is well planned, attractive and colourful. Planning the stall, designing and writing notices and price tags can be good group activity. Why not knit some bunting to decorate it and making this a group knitalong?
Don't forget to take along a float of change and some carrier bags, plus anything your less able members might require, for example folding chairs, drinks and snacks.
Pattern Ideas
- Teacosies - they go down well and there are lots of great patterns around
- Scarves
- Fingerless mittens knitted in chunky wool or colourful sock yarn
- Hot water bottle or wheat bag holders
- Beanies
- Hats and scarves in local and national football team colours
- Soft toys - make these small as you'll never get your 'money back' on bigger ones
- Finger puppets
- Handbags
- Phone, iPod, iPad and laptop cosies
- Christmas tree decorations - these always go down well at Christmas fetes especially if you pop a mini chocolate bar into each one!