Crochet … a little hook to improve attention?
Davide Rossi Sebastiano a, MD PhD *; Cristina Muscio, PhD b; Dunja Duran c, MSc; Deborah Bonfoco a, MSc; Sara Dotta a, MSc; Paola Anversa a, MSc; Pietro Tiraboschi d, MD; and Elisa Visani c, MSc.
This paper is currently undergoing peer review.
The study aimed to identify the effect of crocheting on the functional brain networks, comparing the modifications of the cortical activity detected by Magnetoencephalography (MEG) with the behavioural scores obtained at the Attention Network Test (ANT) after a single-session of crochet in a population of experienced crocheters, in comparison with controls.
Highlights include –
• Crocheting positively affects attention, improving alerting and orienting
• Crocheting speeds up the information exchange between different brain areas
• Crocheting and meditation promote different effects on the attentional networks.
Exploring the Effects of Knitting on the Experience of Chronic Pain.
A Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society April 2009.
Therapeutic Knitting Study Day, June 15th 2012
A study day on Therapeutic Knitting took place in Bath, UK on Friday June 15th 2012. It was hosted by Professor Paul Dieppe, Professor of Health and Wellbeing at Exeter University, UK and organised by Betsan Corkhill of Stitchlinks.
Please click here for a report on the day.